A Love Letter to the Creative Power of Saying “Yes”

People are ready for you and the worlds you’ll create. Don’t wait for the roadmap. Don’t sweat the vision. Just say “Yes”.

6 min readJun 14, 2024

It took me ten years to write this.

Which is probably not the best setup. Raising the bar way too high, and suggesting you’re about to read something finely-honed and profound.

Well…not quite.

“But wait”, I hear you ask.

“Dude rolls in with this Love Letter ( — pretentious, much?) and opens by telling me not to expect too much?”

Just…bear with me.

This is my Love Letter to creativity, and the power of saying “Yes” to that One Big Thing.

Let’s wind back ten years.

Back then, my business was around four years old and thriving. I’d made the leap from being an employee to running my own business. I was a solopreneur without knowing what one was.

And I had this crazy new idea to reach out and help others achieve their crazy ideas.

Why didn’t I do it?

Because I was terrified the world would point and laugh, that’s why!

I was devilled by doubts:

  • Did I know enough?
  • Could what worked for me help others?
  • I wasn’t Bezos, or Zuck, and I’d not even heard of Elon!
  • Did my bum look big in this? ( — Erm?)

I needed more time…or, at least, that’s what I told myself.

I’d give it another year.




2014 became 2024, and…well, here we are.

Do I know more now than I knew ten years ago? Of course.

Did I know enough ten years ago to reach out and do what I’m doing now? Absolutely!

Does my bum still look big in this? Pretty much (self-esteem…that’s still a doozy).

So, what changed? Why now?

Well, turned out it was easy.

I simply said “Yes” to the question I’d answered “No” to at least once a year for a decade.

I consider myself a creator. I imagine anyone reading this to be a creative, too.

My entire business background — in the publishing sector specifically — is creative.

Yet the most creative thing anyone can do — saying “Yes” — had been beyond me when it comes to that One Big Thing I want most in my career.

And what’s that?

It’s helping people to make the transformation in their life that won’t leave them alone. That One Big Thing that knocks on the door again and again. That won’t let them off the hook.

We all have The One.

We look at Bezos, Zuck, and Elon…and we’re blown away. We even look at some dude online doing what we want to do. We tell ourselves that they’re special. They’re different.

But what set them apart initially?

Bezos in his garage, Zuck in his dorm, Elon in his rocket (really?) the dude on the internet — none had any special quality to foresee what was ahead.

They said “Yes” to their One Big Thing. And then they got to work.

Getting to work isn’t hard for anyone reading this. By very definition, I’m going to make this call: if you’re here, then you’re of a certain mindset. Nobody here is afraid of putting in the miles.

Saying “Yes” and diving into that fear — that’s the tricky part.

But think on this:

  • Saying “Yes“ creates new worlds.
  • Saying “Yes“ opens new relationships.
  • “Yes” is creative.
  • “No“ is destructive.

Of course we mustn’t say “Yes” to everything. But that’s the topic of a whole other discussion on productivity. Don’t get lost in the weeds, you hear me?

In fact, it’s often this One Big Thing that keeps being ignored because we’re saying “Yes” to the other stuff.

But when you live to create, and something comes knocking at your door again and again and (damn it) again.

When an idea just won’t leave you alone…and you still keep saying “No” to it?

Then you’re destroying, not creating.

And you know what? If you’re not careful then that idea’s eventually gonna strop off into the sunset. It’ll leave you for someone way hotter who’ll pay it some attention, and compliment it on that new haircut you failed to even notice.

( — Wait, what??)

Shh, I’m on a roll. Stay with me…

I’ve known so many people with great ideas who ignored that knock.

You want an example? Gather round…

My Dad’s lake

My Dad recently retired. His entire life he worked a proper job that he really did not like.

He’s provided abundantly for me and now for his grandkids.

He’s your archetypal working class hero. I’m so proud that he’s my Dad. I love him to bits!

But for as long as I can remember he had the dream for his One Big Thing, too.

You see, my Dad always wanted to run a fishing lake.

He’d have aced it.

He loves fishing, it’s his passion. He’s great with people, knows that world, and would have thrown his crazy mad work ethic into making that dream work. Just like he’s worked hard for everything he ever got.

What’s more, there’s definite demand for this!

But he never did it.

And then there was me — ten years down the same line with One Big Thing of my own — ignoring the call.

Except for me it was way worse!

My Dad needed a huge field, diggers, actual fish goddammit, and god knows how much water.

— Where would you even get the water?!

I needed my laptop, an internet connection, and to get over myself.

You’re probably not much different.

Seriously, what are we even thinking?

There are so many moments in life when we dismiss an opportunity, a challenge, or an adventure.

We see the idea. We imagine where it might take us. Then we excuse ourselves and move on.

That business idea you dismissed? Say “Yes” right now and with 12 months of daily small wins and iteration on mistakes, you could be up and running with your own customers. Maybe even quit the day job.

I know you can do it, because I did it 14 years ago. And I’m not special.

That health kick you refused? Say “Yes” today and in a week you’ll feel the benefits. In a month you’ll see the benefits. You’ll overcome health problems that dogged you for years. Oh, and other people will notice too. That feels mighty good!

I know you can do it, because I did it a couple years ago. And I’m not special.

That invite outside your comfort zone? Say “Yes” and imagine where it could take you. Reignite an old friendship. Step into a new career direction. Or even the beginnings of romance. You can create new worlds by saying “Yes”.

I know you can, because I did them all. Business, friends, a wife…my actual children came from doing exactly this. And I’m not special.

This Love Letter represents a line I drew in the sand. And a challenge for you.

For me…

It’s me saying “Yes” to the One Big Thing which I’ve always wanted to be my life’s work.

It begins with the little things that get me there in time. Things like:

For you…

You know what your One Big Thing is, or at least the direction you need to take to get there.

Start writing about it.

Turn that knowledge into content and engage people in your journey to G.E.T. Authority.

Gather your tribe around your passion and enjoy finding your community.

Build your lake

Start building your lake today. It might grow into something completely unexpected, something beyond what you can even imagine right now.

Because creation is less vision, more doing.

Vision is for those who made it already, with the benefit of hindsight and the status to pretend they knew where they were going all along.

They didn’t. Don’t fall for it.

There was no roadmap.

They just kept saying “Yes” every day, and turning up to do the work.

Creating new worlds as they went.

Now it’s our turn.

People aren’t waiting for Bezos or Zuck or Elon.

People are waiting for someone who walked the path they’re walking.

They’re waiting for you.





I make it easy for busy people to publish. 14+ years in business. Helped hundreds of people sell millions of books. Writing • Design • Publishing. Let's talk!